Saturday, August 31, 2019

American History Essay

United States realized they could not fight both Japan and Germany at once. Thus it was decided to concentrate the bulk of their efforts on fighting Hitler in Europe, while maintaining a defensive position in the Pacific until Hitler was defeated. The American army’s first ground action was fighting alongside the British and Australian armies in North Africa, this was important ground as it gave access to the Suez Canal which was one of two crucial trade links that Britain relied on throughout the war, along with the Atlantic. By May 1943, the British 8th Army had expelled the Germans from North Africa and the Allies controlled this vital link until the end of the war. The American navy also played an active role in the Atlantic protecting the convoys bringing vital American war material to Britain. Americans lost 19,000 men during the Battle with the German, duing which. Over 70% of all bombs dropped on Germany occurred after this date. Germany was flattened, with the country physically and emotionally rumbled. On 30 April 1945, with Berlin completely overrun with Russian forces and his country in tatters, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. The war with Germany was over in 8 May 1945, following its unconditional surrender to the Allied forces. From a modest contribution in troops at the beginning of the campaign in Europe, by the end of the war approximately 66% of all allied divisions in Western Europe were American. The first years of the war against Japan was largely a defensive battle with the United States Navy attempting to prevent the Japanese Navy from asserting dominance of the Pacific region commitment to defeating Hitler in Europe. Initially, Japan won the majority of its battles . It defeated and created military bases in Guam, Thailand, Malaya, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Burma. This was important for Japan, as it had only 10% of the homeland industrial production capacity of the United States. In June 1942, the United States Navy had broken the Japanese communication codes which allowed it to strategically position its ships in order to deliver a comprehensive defeat to the Japanese Navy. They began fighting towards China where they build an airbase suitable to commence bombing of mainland Japan with its B-29 Superfortress fleet.. During this period, they triggered what would become their most comprehensive victory in the entire war. The American Navy emerged victorious after at one point being stretched to almost breaking point with almost complete destruction of the Japanese Navy. The decision to use nuclear weapons to end the conflict has been one of the most controversial decisions of the war with supporters of the use of the bombs argue that an invasion would have cost enormous numbers of lives. The American forces poised for an invasion of the Japanese mainland, to force the Japanese into unconditional surrender. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, unexpected by the Japanese. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally and the war was over, avoiding a bloody invasion. The United States emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers after World War II and on December 4, 1945, the U. S. began its participation in the United Nations (UN), which marked a turn away from the traditional isolationism of the U. S. and toward more international involvement. The post-war era in the United States marked the beginning of the Cold War, in which the United States and the Soviet Union attempted to expand their influence at the expense of the other. The resulted to a series of conflicts during this period including the Korean War and the tense nuclear showdown of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Within the United States, the Cold War prompted concerns about Communist influence, and also resulted in government efforts to encourage math and science toward efforts like the space race. John F. Kennedy in 1960 was elected President, and brought a new life and vigor to the atmosphere of the White House. During his time, the Cold War reached its height with the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. But was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. At the same time, racism across the United States was increasingly challenged by the growing Civil Rights movement and African American leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. In the 1960s, Jim Crow laws that legalized racial segregation between Whites and Blacks came to an end. United States entered the Vietnam War, under President Lyndon Johnson’s and in the early 1970s, Johnson’s successor, President Richard Nixon. The war had cost the lives of 58,000 American troops and millions of Vietnamese. When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in Moscow, many conservative Republicans were dubious of the friendship between him and Reagan. He tried to save Communism in Russia first by ending the expensive arms race with America. Communism finally collapsed in Russia in 1991, ending the US-Soviet Cold War After the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States emerged as the world’s sole superpower and continued to involve itself in military action overseas, including the 1991 Gulf War. After his election in 1992, President Bill Clinton oversaw the longest economic expansion in American history, a side effect of the digital revolution and new business opportunities. In 1993, Ramzi Yousef an Islamic terrorist, planted explosives in the underground of One World Trade Center killing six people and injuring thousands, in what would become the beginning of an age of terrorism. This was followed, by a terrorist bombing of the years later in 1995 in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people and injured over 800. Islamic terrorism, of the September 11, 2001 attacks in which Islamic extremists hijacked four transcontinental airliners and intentionally crashed two of them into the twin towers at the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. The passengers on the fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, revolted causing the plane to crash into a field in Somerset County, PA. Evidence suggested that a terrorist group, al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks. Other calamities have continued affecting like Hurricane Katrina that flooded parts of the city of New Orleans and heavily damaged other areas of the gulf coast. Rising oil prices in 2006 saw Americans become conscious of the nation’s extreme dependence on steady supplies of inexpensive petroleum for energy, with President Bush admitting a U. S. addiction to oil. This poses a serious economic disruption, should oil producing countries interrupt the flow, given the instability in the Middle East and other oil-producing regions of the world. Alternative energy sources, like ethanol to wind power and solar power, received more capital funding. Bibliography Bailey, Thomas A. , Cohen. Elizabeth and David M. Kennedy. 2006. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic (12th Ed). New York. John A. Garraty and Eric Foner. 1991. The Reader’s Companion to American History. Hodgson, Godfrey. United States History. London: Macmillan. Pauline Maier. 2003. Inventing America: A History of the States from 1865. Newyork.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discuss how Arthur Miller suggests dramatic conflict at the beginning of the play ‘Death of a Salesman’

The beginning of any play is vital to the storyline, as it gives an audience or reader initial opinions on the characters' personalities; it also gives information on the setting and atmosphere surrounding the play. ‘Death of a Salesman' begins with very precisely detailed stage directions. Dramatic conflict is immediately suggested by the melody ‘played upon a flute' which suggests softness, dreaminess creates an almost romantic atmosphere, and this dreaminess created in sound is in contrast with the ‘towering, angular shapes' representing suburban New York City. There is also a very noticeable contrast between countryside and cityscape involved in the music, as the music is ‘telling of grass and trees' while there is an ‘angry glow of orange' on the stage. This contrast in the visual aspects of the play emphasizes any conflict between characters during the play. The house is presented as ‘small and fragile-seeming', dwarfed by a wall of apartment blocks which contribute to the trapped and somewhat claustrophobic atmosphere created before there is any dialogue in the play. The initial word of the play, spoken by Linda, the wife of Willy, is said with trepidation, therefore Linda is expecting there to be a problem, and this is the first sign on conflict within speech. Willy reassures her, however Linda still appears to be anxious and is expecting there to be something wrong – ‘did something happen?'. Linda seems to be very hesitant with her speech and she tends to speak ‘carefully' and ‘delicately' as if she is afraid of what her husband, Willy, is going to say to her. Willy makes a reference to a time before the area in which he lives has changed, and when there were ‘two beautiful elm trees' – this suggests that Willy has not fully adapted to the way his area has changed, this also emphasizes the contrast between the natural countryside and the cityscape. At this point; Miller establishes Willy as a troubled and fairly misguided man, it appears that Willy is a dreamer at heart, and wants to be successfully, however it appears that Willy is mainly unsuccessful, and it could be argued that Willy may have lost his enthusiasm and had some of his dreams tainted by the fact that he is now in his sixties. Linda, in contrast, displays much less intensity than Willy; she is quite dependable and extremely kind, attempting to smooth out conflicts that Willy might have encountered. Linda has a similar dream for an idealized past, but has learned to forget about her longings. The fact that these two central characters have an entirely different outlook on life is an indication of future conflict between the two of them. Another large conflict is between Willy and one of his sons, Biff. Conflict between these two characters before Biff appears on stage. Willy seems to think that Biff is a ‘lazy bum' – this could be due to Willy seeing himself as hard-working and has criticized Biff – Willy asked ‘if he was making any money' which was seen as criticism in Linda's eyes. The mention of this criticism seems to have brought tension in speech between Linda and Willy – Willy becomes ‘angered' due to Biff's inability to live up to his father's expectations. There is a major conflict between dreams and reality, which are juxtaposed against each other throughout the play, and are introduced at the beginning – Willy is at the bottom of the hierarchy in a capitalistic world. He owns nothing, and he makes nothing, so he has no sense of achievement. Robbed of this, he develops the theory that if a person is fairly popular and has a fair deal of personal attractiveness, then all doors will automatically be opened for them. Willy built his life around these dreams. These illusions replace reality in Willy's mind. He tells lies to his family about how well liked he is in all of his towns, and how ‘vital' he is to New England – ‘I'm the New England man'. In my opinion, the reason behind the conflict between Willy and his family is his outlook on life as a whole, particularly his inability to confront life with genuine integrity and faith in himself, all faith and self confidence he may appear to have is false, and his lies could arguably haunt him, this is because he has the wrong perspective on the way he should be living his life and has a certain longing for things to very different, he has grown to be very unhappy within himself, and about what his lifestyle (his home, his area) has become. The beginning of ‘Death of a Salesman', therefore, is a play in which we see a number of central and significant themes being developed immediately with the help of Arthur Miller's use of techniques such as setting and symbolism. These themes include inadequacy and lacking awareness of reality. The exploration of the theme of failure within a successful society is something which has relevance for those who believed in ‘The American Dream'.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

John Berger's Comparison of Fine Art to Commercial Art Essay

John Berger's Comparison of Fine Art to Commercial Art - Essay Example This is because fine art is often esoteric and ultimately meaningless. Art critics might be able to find meaning in certain works of art, but they would be the only ones. The common man would have great difficulty understanding the meaning of a man's urinal used as artwork. On the other hand, commercial art is supposed to be understandable and accessible or, at the very least, evoke powerful emotions. For this reason, commercial art is more successful in conveying messages to mass audiences then is fine art. Discussion John Berger states that abstract art has been adopted by corporate capitalism, which is causing these aesthetics to become emblems of economic power. He says that, through this process of reducing the aesthetics of fine art into something that is used to increase economic power for the entity that uses this art, the lived experience inherent in the art work is eliminated from the image of the art. This results, in his view, in a reduced area of experience, even though it claims to be universal (Berger, 2001, p. 296). This process of commercializing fine art, and the subsequent way that this transformation has robbed the art work of meaning is particularly anathema to Berger, as he feels that art comes from a primitive part of the artist, and that it comes from the lived experience of the artist (Berger, 2001, p. 296). For Berger, drawing and art is about discovery within the artist himself (Berger, 2001, p. 10). The power of the art comes from this lived experience, the faith that this experience can produce the art, and this is typically coupled with a skepticism of the society in which the artist finds oneself (Berger, 2001, p. 297). Thus, in transforming art in commercialism, it robs the art of this lived experience which is the essence, the very heart of the artwork. The meaning of the artwork is dead, at least the meaning that the artist intended, and the meaning is instead transformed into whatever the particular advertisement is attempting to sell. Berger was also highly critical of the fact that paintings have become so commodified. He states that no work of art may survive without becoming a valuable piece of property, and that this spells the death of the painting and sculpture, as â€Å"property, as once it was not, is now inevitably opposed to all other values. People believe in property, but in essence they only believe in the illusion of protection which property gives. All works of fine art, whatever their content, whatever the sensibility of an individual spectator, must now be reckoned as no more than props for the confidence of the world spirit of conservatism† (Berger, 2001, p. 215). Thus, the fact that paintings and sculptures must be commodified to survive in the long term spells the end of the art as we know it, in Berger's eyes. According to Papastergiadis (1993), Berger's issue with the commercialization of art would stem from the fact that Berger contends that art must give meaning to human e xperiences. In particular, art works to increase our understanding of the gap between freedom and alienation in everyday life. He also states that Berger is a combination of a Marxist, in which the art is integrated with the political, thus is an

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Veteran's Account Of A War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Veteran's Account Of A War - Essay Example Here, that would be the personal re-telling of Colby Buzzell, who in his book My War: Killing Time in Iraq, details for the reader the events surrounding his service in the military during the current military operation in the nation of Iraq. Giving a firsthand account of what he saw, what he did, as well as how he felt during his time of service. A collection of words, that serve to give value, as well as to provide an effective perspective, on the issues that arise with being an enlisted member of the armed forces. "I was in my room reading a book (Thin Red Line) when the mortars started coming down. Usually when we get mortared it'll only be one, maybe two mortars. But this mortar attack went on for almost 20 minutes. Each one impacting the FOB every couple of minutes. Something was up," (Buzzell, p.248). For a document to be beneficial for such means as furthering the readers connection to what it is they are reading, the usage of personal experiences can greatly benefit the overall cause of better understanding the personal side of those who take part in military life and are faced with the ramifications of such a career choice. While news reports by journalists are chalk full of time lines having to do with what would have occurred, good or bad, the personal accounts of those closest involved provide a far greater service, than simply providing a listing of mass produced details. Giving a stronger image of what would have been the environment surrounding Buzzell at that moment, he writes that, "Sgt. Horrocks ripped open the door and yelled, "Grab your guys! And go to the motor pool! The whole BATTALION is rolling out!" Holy shit! The whole battalion! This must be big. So I closed my book and ran over to my guys' rooms and ripped open their doors and yelled, "Get your fucking shit on and head down to the motor pool! Time: Now!" I ran back to my room and grabbed my shirt and started running as fast as I could to the motor pool, hearing small arms fire off in the background. By now every swinging dick was running to the motor pool. Some putting their clothes on while they were running," (Buzzell, p.248). The image of soldiers running frantically to their places, aids the narrative's purpose of providing the most personal, yet factual, account of the events that would have been occurring around Buzzell and the fellow members of his unit. Readers value that which they identify with and as such, are able to understand in some minute way. Human beings inherently understand fear and stress through experiencing it themselves and are drawn to those stories that show other people experiencing great fear and stress for themselves, even if it's due to circumstances that they would have not known themselves. "While we were waiting for word to roll back out, we sat around and exchanged war stories over plates of food from the chow hall. I sat down on an ammo crate while Sgt. Vance sat down on a water cooler, and he told me all about 3rd Squad's heroics on the ground that day, about their vehicle that got shot by at least three RPGs the first time through Route Tampa. Each one that hit the vehicle knocked him down from the air-guard hatch. One of the RPGs took out the engine to their vehicle, and Spc Callahan, while it was still rolling, grabbed a fire extinguisher and tried to put out the fire. When they got to Bridge 5, Vance and Callahan were vomiting out of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Freedom and Equaity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Freedom and Equaity - Essay Example As this manifesto had influenced many of the communist countries such as Korea, Cuba, China, Vietnam and of course many countries in Europe, both Marx and Engel can be considered as two important people that shaped world history. Marx and Engels ideals and principles declared publicly evolved the Marxism principle which is now an interesting subject and topic under political science. The principles embodied in the manifesto had developed the so called communist form of government. Marx had considered communism in relation to socialism very closely. As an advanced form of socialism, communism is very near to anarchism, viewed freedom and equality as vain, illusionary and incomplete. Generally, the right to freedom is considered as equality. Engels and Marx had issued freedom as bounded with fullness of material considerations. Freedom in morality also considered the absence of alienation and that man is the only bearer of this so called freedom. The manifesto pointed out that freedom is achievable only in the community when a man submits his total will and desires to serve the community and its demands. â€Å"Society as a whole is more and more splitting into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Burgeoisie and Protletariat† (Marx and Engels). There are two classes of men stated in the manifesto: the bourgeoisie- the so-called owners of the production living off with man’s profit; and the proletariat- the one who labored and lived on their salary. These men live in a community where there is difference in their life style and status. There are men who labored hard to survive in this world while there are men belonging to chosen few who derives their means of living in behalf of the other working class. This capitalist world has been criticized by Marx and Engels. There are human struggles produced in the lower striving class which are demonstrated in strikes, riots, and other revolutionary actions in search for enlightenment. The manifesto criticizes this kind of society. Accordingly, there is the absence of equality and freedom among the two classes of men. Individuals make up the society. Engels and Marx are calling in behalf of the lower class in search for freedom, that is, the Marxist way, to liberate society from the capitalist way of living. As quotes from the Communist Manifesto: â€Å"The executive of the modern state is but a committee for the managing of the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie†¦..They are unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state, that is has to feed him, instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society.† In the same manner, Engels pointed out in his book â€Å"The Condition of the Working Class in England† about his concerns of the citizens laboring themselves physically during the Industrial age. He considered the working class as being exploited and being subjected to societal crimes. In his point of view, there is no freedom and equality in the time of the industrialization period as these working men are being subjected to labor for the food the upper class of men. He even described the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global supply chain analysis of P&G in the UK Essay

Global supply chain analysis of P&G in the UK - Essay Example This has been one of the fundamental mantras behind the company’s endeavour to implement the model ‘consumer is boss.’ The most circulated brand manufactured by P&G includes Pampers, Gillette, Tide, Ariel, Pantene and Head and Shoulders (P&G, 2011a). P&G has enjoyed a considerable amount of success through its extensive reach all over the world. However, the one country that stands ahead in this race is the United Kingdom. P&G’s business expansion in the UK has proven to be one of the most profitable decisions made by the management. The company has successfully established a strong supply chain network in this part of the world which has made raw materials delivery, distribution and processing very convenient for the company (Fawcett, Jones and Fawcett, 2012). The effective supply chain management strategies employed by the management has made it possible for them to reach out to the customers easily. It is with regards to this fact that the researcher has attempted to conduct a thorough analysis of the supply chain network of P&G in the UK. The study will also include an in-depth explanation of the company’s endeavours to establish a green supply chain process that is aimed towards improving environmental conditi ons. P&G, UK’s supply chain has always been a very integral part of their business. The management responsible for handling operations in the UK always believes in keeping its supply chain networks absolutely shopper centric just like every other part of their business. Serving the needs of the customers has always been amongst the top priorities of the management and they have always emphasized on establishing end to end collaboration with their retail partners in order to achieve this objective (P&G, 2011a). P&G UK has been largely successful in transforming its supply chain network through the application of agent based model. Following the transformation

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discovering the American Past in World War 1 Essay

Discovering the American Past in World War 1 - Essay Example During World War 1, Great Britain and the Germans had navigational barriers. Blockades used by Great Britain were designed to cut central powers off from the war while Americans commercial vessels bonded by the Germans were stopped (Wheeler, Becker and Glover 133). Besides, detention and searching of German ships by the British navy was quite often. The Confinement of German vessels was to stop them from participating in the war and make them a vulnerable target. However, the president of the United States by then, Wilson, protested detention of Germans vessels by the British policy many times but gained no positive results. British navy thought, giving in to the presidents’ demand, would have deprived them their principal military asset as the British army. The presence of the Germans during the war highly gained recognition and feared by the Americans. They perceived the Germans as strong and well-equipped people who would have changed everything and won the war against them . In addition, the Germans blockade was more dangerous since majority of American trade was with France and England. Therefore, the Americans did not trade with Germans, and this could have accelerated their war against the Americans. During the war, different emotions developed within the participating parties of the war. The emotions had to be controlled by the development of propaganda to enable unity of multiethnic and pluralistic society that was behind the war. Moreover, publicity attracted the sufficient number of men in the army services to elicit universal civilian support for the men. Additionally, propaganda assisted in influencing civilians to help was efforts by purchasing war bonds and other actions (Wheeler, Becker and Glover 136). Wheeler, Becker and Glover argue that, in achieving the control of emotions during the war, it entailed propaganda techniques advancement alongside extreme care (138). The propaganda had to attain two features in enabling emotion control and calmness.   First, it was to ensure the portrayal of Allied and American service members as the best and, second, the representation of enemy in the worst possible manner.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Linux distributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Linux distributions - Essay Example This not only takes enormous amount of expenditure as well as valuable human resources. Therefore, most companies opt for outsourcing and take benefit of readymade software packages. Linux based open source software packages as well as proprietary software are available to choose to suit the requirement. Each of them has their own merits and demerits, which should be analytically weighed before making a decision. Free software are either free of cost or their source codes are available in public domain. As far as an enterprise is concerned it has to train their employees as well as to get constant support from the software vendor. A good IT infrastructure always ensures high return over investments made in it. So the large companies do not care much about the cost involved rather consider its flexibility, reliability and a reliable support system. In this project we will be discussing about desktop and server edition of three LINUX based implementations, Red Hat, Ubuntu & Novell and the standard Windows based systems. Conclusively, we will attempt to recommend a certain package on the basis of the outcome of such discussion. While purchasing software for an enterprise operation, the preliminary aim is to assist its employees to automate and enhance the operations of the organisation with least chance for errors. In order to achieve the said goal, imparting adequate training to its employees or to hire trained professionals to apply the system for the optimum benefit of the organisation becomes inevitable. With a view to select appropriate software to suit the requirements, Red Hat, Ubuntu and Novell’s SUSE based OS are being taken into consideration. Indeed the training motivates the employees as well as raises their confidence in using the software to meet the requirements. RedHat: In terms of trained professionals and certified training program, Red hat tops other Linux distributions. RedHat training centers are spread across the globe and

Building a Coffee Shop Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Building a Coffee Shop - Research Paper Example I have decided to add innovation in the customer services section by building an isolated area in my Coffee Shop where the customers could not only relax but also study as I would be making study material including newspapers and magazines available for them. In this way, the customers would not only enjoy the coffee of my shop, but will also be impressed by the services; thereby exhibiting the high value, which the shop places in them. In today’s world, Marketing is one of the most important determinants for a business’ success. For my Coffee Shop, I would be developing a small but skilful team which would market and advertise my shop extensively at all platforms. Marketing would not only be done through conventional methods such as pamphlets, brochures and newspapers, but modern day techniques such as Internet advertising would also be employed. Today, social networking websites have become a significant part of the society’s life; and my marketing plan intends to utilize this factor by publicizing my shop through it. In order to gain an edge over the competitors, my team would attempt to reach as many people as possible by personally visiting the houses in the town and informing people about the new Coffee Shop. As far as the area of Human Resources is concerned, my policy for Human Resources is a very broad one, which completely adheres to the federal and state laws pertaining to employment. Though, I would refrain from hiring people of less than eighteen years of age at my shop, however, if ever the need arises, I would ensure that while employing students and teenagers, there is compliance with the child labour regulations and ordinances. Furthermore, to compete with the other Coffee Shops, my shop would not only hire a diverse workforce on the basis of caste, colour, creed and race; but diversity will also be enforced by hiring people with disabilities, thereby, enhancing the reputation of my shop in the social circles. At the same t ime, such measures would also qualify my shop for tax credits. Technology would be utilized by my Coffee Shop to a great extent by making use of computers for maintaining records and conducting other important activities related to the shop. Moreover, in order to remain competitive in the market, I would be providing my customers with the latest Wi-Fi technology in the shop through which they could access internet. It would also give a stylish look to my business, in that way, attracting customers and challenging competitors. Therefore, my strategy is quite comprehensive with the rationale to make my Coffee Shop a successful one which would give tough competition to all the other Coffee Shops in the town ("SBA," n.d.). I aim to open my own Coffee Shop instead of buying an existing one as I have always admired the concept of entrepreneurship and wanted to be a successful entrepreneur. Establishing my own Coffee Shop would provide me with an opportunity to fulfil my dreams and develop my shop according to my own will. Consequently, this would enable me to bring in my own innovations while constructing the shop; such as designing the interior, seating arrangements, isolated studying area, reception centre and other activities related to the overall structure of the shop. Moreove

Friday, August 23, 2019

President Bush and President Clinton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

President Bush and President Clinton - Essay Example ar threat from North Korea , blown open the federal budget deficit, presided over economic recession and weakness, overseen an historic gap between corporate profits and worker compensation, and ignored menacing environmental issues such as pollution and global warming. There is no doubt that Bill Clinton was a far superior leader and far more worthy of the respect, admiration and gratitude of Americans. The reputation of the United States is the first area in which the difference between Bush and Clinton is stark. Under Clinton, the United States respected multilateral agreements, sought consensus among the international community on matters of great import, projected the power of the United States in a non-arrogant manner, and respected human rights. For example, Clinton pursued and successfully achieved treaties that grew and strengthened international trade, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). He also helped negotiate the Kyoto Protocol against global warming. In addition, he utilized U.S. military power when necessary and within the context of NATO, as was the case in Kosovo. Because of his active solicitation of and respect for the opinions and influence of other nations, the United States enjoyed a high degree of respect and admiration throughout the world. On the contrary, Bush has led the U.S. to an all-time low in its image abroad. Virtually from the beginning of his presidency, he has pursued an all-out assault on the international progress that took eight years to achieve during the Clinton administration. He immediately backpedaled on security assurances that had been made to North Korea, effectively provoking that country to resume nuclear weapons development and causing them to return to caustic anti-American propaganda and posturing. In addition, he pulled out of the Kyoto accord on global warming, effectively leaving much of the rest of the world high and dry when it comes

Thursday, August 22, 2019

War And Terrorism As A Social Prolem Essay Example for Free

War And Terrorism As A Social Prolem Essay That war and terrorism remain the worst fear of man in the 21st century, is a truism that calls for no dispute. In fact almost every country in the world today has put measures into place to curb this ever emerging catastrophe. The united states of Americas top agenda has also in the recent past become to be the war on terror hence the war has been an age old phenomena facilitated by a myriad of reasons, terrorism is a rather new phenomena characterized by many reasons some of which are ambiguous and misplaced as will be discussed later in this paper. Many authors have not drawn a line between what should be viewed as war and what is to be classified as terrorism. Too many of these authors, war and terrorism are inextricably intertwined and thus affording no distinction one such author is Chris Toms. All players though acknowledge that terrorism mad war is a social problem that needs to be Addressed urgently. The was a result of the Second World War and especially the August 1945 bombing of two Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Here the deaths, maiming and damage of property all a result of war made nations come together to avoid future occurrence of horrid incidents such as the bombing. This paper boards on the Thesis that war and terrorism are related issues. And to be able to successfully address them distinctions should be made carefully further the paper will show how terrorism springs form war and vice-versa. Lastly the paper will strive to elaborate how war and terrorism are indeed a social problem. War and terrorism go hand in hand,and their results have been the worst in the whole world because of their impact in general. Many leaders have used war and terrorism to assend to power or to communicate with their enemies,but all in all war and terrorism should be the thing of the past for better society. People see war and terrorism from different percepctives, they are those see it from negative percepctive,that is those who see it from bad effcts it brings to community or natio, more so to woman and children. And there are those who see war and terrorism from positive sides. This comes from seeing what the war and terrorism will bring to their lifes,or seeing it as the one which will solve their problem. CAUSES OF WAR AND TERRORISM As stated in the introductory paragraphs war has been an age old problem in fact strong empires like the Roman Empire, the Soviet Union and others become powerful as a result of war. Readers of the Bible will also at least to the fact that wars have existed since the history of man. Causes of war and terrorism can be many,can range from poor leadrship to poverty ,which are the main causes. Every war and terrorism which have occurred has its causes. War and terrorism has been there from time memorial,it never started recently. The first war therefore according to the scriptures pelted Cain against each other in the womb (Genesis, 25:22). Reasons for wars are varied as can even be seen from the two bible incidents. In the first instance for example, Cain killed the brother out of sheer jealousy while in the second scenario, it was a battle for supremacy. WAR AND TERRORISM DEFINED War has been defined from the military standpoint to mean a continuation of political intercourse in addition with other means (Carl von Clauswitz). Terrorism on its part has been defined to mean those acts which are intended to create fear are perpetrated for a group (as opposed to being carried in one attacks) and which are deliberately target or else disregard to safety of civilians (wikipedia the dictionary) The wikipedia definition no matter how excellent it may look and sound, it misses out on the fact that a lone attacker can perpetrate an act or acts of terrorism. Secondly an act of terrorism can at times not be motivated by an ideology. In the US acts of terrorism have been committed by one attackers with otherwise no sound ideological backing for instance, Tim Mc veigh to name just but a few. What needs to be known is that terrorism can be carried by lone attackers and that it matters not whether or not an ideology is attached to attacks. In fact many attacks in Iraq on US soldiers arent backed by the jihads ideology but from sheer despair in life by Iraq youth. This can also be evidential by the fact that many attacks are carried out by youths and not middle aged or old men and women. So if Jihad is the motivating factor in Iraq then the old folks should have been at the forefront because it is they who understand the religion better not the youth. ON WAR AND TERRORISM WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE Terrorism and war as earlier stated are closely related issues because both can be viewed as a continuation of intercourse and or ideology. Take the September 11 attacks on US soil for example. After the Taliban regime whom it accused of harboring terrorists mastermind Osama bin laden. This led to invasion and overthrow of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. But did terrorism end there? The answer is no. Attack after attack has been launched in US soldiers in Afghanistan. It has also been reported that in the Tarboro mountains where Osama is believed to be has become the recruiting haven of would be/prospective terrorists. When a war is declared on areas or states suspected tope conducting terrorist activities, two things takes place. One two fronts are created in the war, putting the offended state against the offending state. Two another war is created as a counter attack to the offended state. Succinctly put, there is a shift of goal posts and the hunted becomes the hunter. Take the Taliban overthrow by United States as an example for another time. The Taliban regime did not go to oblivion but regrouped and started sponsoring terrorist’s attacks on us and her allies, e. g. Israel and Britain. Much that these terrorist activities are purely seen as such (terrorists) they are truly speaking and according to their sponsors a war on America. It therefore becomes difficult to draw a line between war and terrorism. But as a matter of fact a line should be drawn because war can at times be necessary but terrorism is simply unwanted. To draw the line therefore, International war standards must be invoked only then will be able to distinguish between a â€Å"right full† war and terrorism. So that if a war springs form that â€Å"rightful† war it is unanimously branded terrorism. CAUSES OF WAR AND TERRORISM Politics: Carl von clau sewitz, a profound military theorist once said that politics was the main cause of war. He went on to state that war is a continuation of political intercourse. (War and terrorism: The never ending fight for freedom) Personally, I cannot agree more with the author because even the Tibet and China conflict is motivated by the politics of independence. This has been to some extent of the motivating factor in the recent time in the conflict between the Tibetans and Chinese has been the sociological imagination among the timberworks that it is the opportune time for them tope granted independence. The problem has also been worsened by the fact that Tibetans are a minority group this other factors make them to imagine sociologically of course that they are oppressed hence their uprising. Given the fact that the Olympic Games will be held in China the Tibetans see this as an opportune time to press for their â€Å"rights† Cultural differences: This is yet another cause of war and terrorism. The world is full of different diverse cultures and each society considers their culture as the superior, but with globalization the cultural way of life is fast headed for the dogs with more and more societies now at home with the American cultural way of life. At this point we are faced with a situation where we have a dominant culture versus the society/societal values, dissenting voices maybe heard and is not addressed, conflicts resulting to war and even as the scarf’s were banned and people obliged, there is still disgruntling among the Muslims in France. Further the social structure can also in itself and with other factors be a brewing factor in wars. Take for example Muslims are taught that when one dies in a holy war, then they go to heaven while a holy war might include the killing of people. Christians on their part have been socialized to adhere to the Ten Commandments. Among Africans wars were seen as arenas for providing self worth ferocious warriors would marry the prettiest girls around and be made chiefs. The social structure was such that the lazy men were considered outcasts. And to prove bravely chiefs would send men for raids in neighboring community (proof. Mbithi, P. Africa religious philosophy) so the social structure should itself be a factor in wars. Change in balance of power: This is another major cause of war. In most developing countries wars arise when a tribe or community feel that one of their own has been denied that which belongs to him or them. This even motivated by history especially where a dominant class has oppressed the other groups. As earlier stated wars are not absolutely unnecessary because even if it is a social problem, states must protect their borders form external aggressors but then again there must be justified cause before going to war others have argued that wars are avoided and barbaric (Chris toms and terrorism, the never ending fight for freedom). This is actually true given the consequences of war e. g. deaths, tape loss of property and so on. Besides other avenues can be used like mediation and so on. Marginalization of communities or states can be another causation of war. The growing gap between the haves and the have not is another major challenge. Revolution world over have been informed by levels of poverty and inequality in distribution of resources thereby creating two classes of people that is haves and the have notch. This problem is vicious in that as it progresses the status quo is changed and the cycle starts all over again. In that the previous haves become the have knots and vice versa. So that the recipe in itself will guarantee endless wars in the future BREAKDOWN OF BODY POLITIC: Yet another cause of war is the breakdown of the body politic. When the body politic breaks down wars may arise to fill the vacuum. A good example is Somalia. After the overthrow of said Barre and in abides by the warlords to take the place of the deposed president there has been a war since 1991. Terrorists have taken the opportunity and now Somali is a perfect haven for terrorism activities. Natural resources: Apart from politics which is thought to be the main factor in many wars and terrorist activities, from the Iraq war which is said to have been motivated by oil to the Niger delta conflict (Nigeria) The Angola diamond crisis and so on, Again wars necessitated by fight for mineral resources should be resolved by both parties and all must be willing to work together by either equitably sharing the resources or by vesting them in people where they are found because wars brought about by the fight for minerals take many years to come to and end. The Angola war took nearly three decades to stop and this has far reaching social consequences like illiteracy, disease and untold poverty among the society. SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF WAR AND TERRORISM A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable. This definition when used to weigh whether or not war is desirable products mixed reactions with others viewing it as desirable while to others it is undesirable but the truth is that war is undesirable given the ramifications that come with it. So how do we solve this problem? Since the society has diverse cultures, and that war and conflict not to mention terrorism spring from the differences, there should be a cultural exchange at a very early age. Here children in schools should be allowed to mingle and grow with children form other cultural background by that, they will grow respecting other cultural background by that, they will grow respecting other peoples background and cultures. Social exchange to this end is in available. The second step in addressing the issue is encouraging peaceful 7 co-existence Governments should urge citizens to live in harmony and peace with their neighbors if this is needed then undesired wars will come to a stop. Another way would be engaging in peace negotiations and agreements. Here warring parties are to be given an opportunity to present their thoughts on negotiations and allowed to express their thoughts. (Women Building peace and good neighbors) To solve problems, all dispute evoking situations must be avoided so as avoid undesired conflict situations. Another option is to have in place; mechanisms for early warning and early response of would be war or terrorism situations (NURTURES OF PEACE, SUSTAINERS OF AFRICA) If this is done, then many disputes will be put to rest as quickly as they emerge. If done, then in the next 10-20 years the world would be moving to the dawn of a new era but the achievement wont fully be reached overnight (not even in 20 years time) peace building, perception changes and religious liberty takes time to come by. Having said that, it is prudent to note that it will need more time to have some degree of social order in the world and we should try as much as possible to avoid war and terrorism after seen its impact to the socity and to the whole world.War and terrorism should be condemed from every country ,solving any conflict should be done civized manner References. 1. Good News Bible 2nd Ed (1994) Gen 4:8, 25:22 (pg 6-27) 2. Chris Toms: (2008) war and terrorism: The never ending fight for freedom 3. Mbithi Philiph (1974) African religious philosophy: (p. g 67-72) 4. Women building peace and good neighbourliness: WICCE Report 18-29 sept 2006 MOZAMBIQUE. 5. NURTURES of peace, sustainers of Africa: A report by selected womens peace initiatives

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to Improve Teens Self-Esteem

How to Improve Teens Self-Esteem Adolescence is a crucial stage in the life of your child. As a parent, you have the challenge of guiding them toward a happy, responsible adulthood. There is good reason to be worried, with all the changes and challenges confronting them. Though the majority of teens can successfully sail through adolescence, a significant number end up stalled or sidetracked along the way. Some barely make it through. A confident teen with a strong sense of self-worth or healthy self-esteem has a bigger chance of succeeding in life. They may, however, need some help to have a fulfilling adolescence and stable preparation for the next stage of life. If you want to help your child achieve their dreams, it is proactive to supplement your parental care with professional assistance. Why Is Your Teen Unhappy? The Developing Teen Seeing your child groping through the teen years can result in your feeling helpless. You may wonder why they have no friends hanging around your home on the weekends or why they seem uninterested in social events. Could they be suffering from poor self-esteem? Having healthy self-esteem isnt everything, but it can be a good start in negotiating adolescence. In this age of booming telecommunication miracles (the Internet, computers, satellites, etc.), it is easy for teens to develop a poor self-image by comparing themselves to what they perceive as ideal-clear skin, a body with the right measurements, beautiful and bouncy tresses, etc. Despite knowing that nobodys perfect and even famous beauties have flaws, they may still feel inadequate, unlovable, and unworthy. It has nothing to do with their appearance, weight, or popularity. With low self-worth, they will always find something unacceptable or inadequate about themselves. Teens are vulnerable to poor self-worth because they are in the middle of a transition. Their hormones are shifting and raging, their brain connections are wired differently, and they are incessantly challenged academically and socially. While all these problems are natural, it is not healthy to leave your teen unguided. Adolescence is also a stage when they can be reckless with their actions and decisions. It is important to be supportive, but more important to help them develop healthy self-esteem. Self-Esteem in the Eyes of Teens Self-esteem is the value that an individual gives themselves based on their perceived worth to others and the world in general. It isnt static, but changes throughout life. It is typically most unstable during adolescence and during major life transitions. According to Understanding Teenagers, adolescence is a time of life when a persons self-esteem is known to fluctuate significantly. It is estimated that up to a half of adolescents will struggle with low self-esteem, many of these occurrences during the early teen years. For a teen in search of identity, low self-esteem can harm budding relationships, trust in others, their ability to achieve their dreams, and their happiness. Unfortunately, improving your childs view of themselves and their abilities can be a real challenge, because the issue is complicated by their tendency to measure their worth in terms of their looks. There are several important predictors of an adolescents self-esteem: transitions, social stability, and the most influential-appearance. A number of studies have revealed that there is a strong correlation between teenagers who express dissatisfaction with their appearance and those who have low level of self-esteem. The correlation is even stronger among teenage girls as a response to the social pressures generated by the media about what is perfect or ideal. What Your Teens Body Language Says about Low Self-Esteem How do you know if your teen has good self-esteem? An adolescent with positive self-esteem is confident, positive, responsible, trusting, and independent but cooperative, with a good sense of self-direction and control. Other signs include consciousness of their strengths, the ability to say no, and the ability to accept their limitations and shortcomings, resolve their issues, and manage their feelings. Conversely, poor self-esteem can outwardly manifest in being perpetually negative and critical of themselves, perfectionism, and fear of being scoffed at. They will not make decisions, fearing risks or blame for any untoward repercussion. They feel unloved and inadequate, and they are always suspicious of people and their intentions. Some of the observable signs of poor self-worth that you would want to note are pervasive insecurity shown by walking or talking with their heads down to avoid eye contact, being self-critical, using negative statements about themselves, and perpetually apologizing. Wanting to elevate their perceived status, they may tease others, gossip, or engage in name-calling. They may also attract attention by talking loudly, bragging, or using excessive gestures. If this is your teen, get their symptoms assessed-the sooner, the better. Supplementing Parental Care with Counseling There is nothing better than raising your child in a loving and supportive environment. Be aware, however, that it cant guarantee that your teen will have a perfect life or that you can fix all their issues. There is a world outside your home and there are influences beyond your control. Nevertheless, you can make it easier for your child to enjoy their adolescence. With the right help from a counselor contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Sanford, NC, to supplement your care, it is achievable. A teens self-esteem is like a roller-coaster ride-there will be ups and downs. This is normal. While many teenagers can handle the stage on their own, they may need help when the going gets tough. With the help of an experienced counselor independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Sanford, NC, your child can realize their full potential and grow into a responsible and independent adult who learns from their mistakes. When your child becomes too hard on themselves because they arent slimmer, fairer, smarter, or more in fashion, be there for them to affirm their worth. If their reaction is extreme to the point of obsession, try to understand them and find help so they can develop healthy self-acceptance and self-worth. This is how a CCS-contracted therapist can help.ÂÂ   Call now for an appointment!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An overview of social media

An overview of social media What is Social Media? Social media is a blanket term that encompasses all tools that allow groups to generate content and engage in peer-to-peer conversations and exchange of content online. Another common term for interactions such as these is â€Å"Web 2.0†. Social media are highly accessible and inexpensive tools that all anyone from the personal sector to the corporate sector to access, create, and publish information. These media are greatly distinct from more the more traditional industrial media (newspapers, television, film) that require heavy resources use for publication. One characteristic shared by both social media and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach zero people or millions of people. The properties that help describe the differences between social media and industrial media depend on the study. Some of these properties are: 1. Reach both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and enable anyone to reach a global audience. 2. Accessibility the means of production for industrial media are typically owned privately or by government; social media tools are generally available to anyone at little or no cost. 3. Usability industrial media production typically requires specialized skills and training. Most social media do not, or in some cases reinvent skills, so anyone can operate the means of production. 4. Recency the time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses; only the participants determine any delay in response). As industrial media are currently adopting social media tools, this feature may well not be distinctive anymore in some time. 5. Permanence industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing. In his 2006 book The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom, Yochai Benkler analyzed many of these distinctions and their implications in terms of both economics and political liberty. However, Benkler, like many academics, uses the neologism network economy or network information economy to describe the underlying economic, social, and technological characteristics of what has come to be known as social media. Andrew Keen criticizes social media[citation needed] in his book The Cult of the Amateur, writing, Out of this anarchy, it suddenly became clear that what was governing the infinite monkeys now inputting away on the Internet was the law of digital Darwinism, the survival of the loudest and most opinionated. Under these rules, the only way to intellectually prevail is by infinite filibustering. Information outputs and human interaction. Primarily, social media depend on interactions between people as the discussion and integration of words to build shared-meaning, using technology as a conduit. Social media has been touted as presenting a fresh direction for marketing by allowing companies to talk with consumers, as opposed to talking at them. Social media utilities create opportunities for the use of both inductive and deductive logic by their users. Claims or warrants are quickly transitioned into generalizations due to the manner in which shared statements are posted and viewed by all. The speed of communication, breadth, and depth, and ability to see how the words build a case solicits the use of rhetoric. Induction is frequently used as a means to validate or authenticate different users statements and words. Rhetoric is an important part of todays language in social media. Social media are not finite: there is not a set number of pages or hours. The audience can participate in social media by adding comments, instant messaging or even editing the stories themselves. What is Social Media Marketing? Social media marketing is a term that describes the act of using social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis or any other collaborative Internet form of media for marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Common social media marketing tools include Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. In the context of Internet marketing, social media refers to a collective group of web properties whose content is primarily published by users, not direct employees of the property (e.g. the vast majority of video on YouTube is published by non-YouTube employees). Social media marketing has three important aspects: (1) Creating buzz or news worthy events, videos, tweets, or even blog entries that attract attention, and become viral in nature. Buzz is the piece that makes social media marketing work, it replicates a message not through purchase of an ad, but thorough user to user contact. (2) Building ways that fans of a brand or company can promote it themselves in multiple online social media venues. Fan pages in Twitter, MySpace of Facebook are exactly this. (3) It is conversational. Social media marketing is not fully controlled by the organization, it allows for user participation and dialogue. Potentially a badly designed social media marketing campaign can backfire on the organization that created it. That is the reason that SMM campaigns must fully engage and respect the users. According to Lloyd Salmons, first chairman of the Internet Advertising Bureau social media council Social media isnt just about big networks like Facebook and MySpace, its about brands having conversations. The parameters surrounding social media marketing are arguably elusive today; however a growing consensus suggests social media marketing and Social Media are here to stay. Nielsen published a report suggesting that blogs and social networks make up the emerging social web. The social web includes social media sites and it is a location within which social media marketing takes place. Social media are media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction, using Internet- and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers. Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media can be said to have three components; 1. Concept (art, information, or meme). 2. Media (physical, electronic, or verbal). 3. Social interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print). Common forms of social media; * Concepts, slogans, and statements with a high memory retention quotient, that excite others to repeat. * Grass-Roots direct action information dissemination such as public speaking, installations, performance, and demonstrations. * Electronic media with sharing, syndication, or search algorithm technologies (includes internet and mobile devices). * Print media, designed to be re-distributed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Psychoanalytic Reading of Hedda Gabler :: Hedda Gabler Essays

A Psychoanalytic Reading of Hedda Gabler Attempting a psychoanalytic reading of a given text is a bit like attempting to understand a city by examining its sewer system: helpful, yet limited. There are several reasons for using psychoanalysis as a critical literary theory; the critic might be interested in gleaning some sort of subconscious authorial intent, approaching the text as a "cathartic documentation" (my own term) of the author's psyche; the method might be useful in judging whether characters are well-rendered, whether they are truly three-dimensional and, therefore, worth our while as readers (thus satisfying the pleasure principle); finally, in a larger sense, the psychoanalytic approach can be employed to actually tell us something about our own humanity, by examining the relative continuity (or lack thereof) of basic Freudian theories exemplified in written works over the course of centuries. If we are indeed scouring the text for what I call "cathartic documentation," we must, at the outset, look at the period in which the work was written. Pre-Freudian works, that is to say those poems, plays, short stories, and novels written before the late 19th century, are the major candidates for success with this approach. However, 20th century works, beginning with the modernist authors, pose a problem. How are we to be sure that the writer is not consciously playing with Freud's theories, perhaps even deliberately expanding and distorting them for additional effect? Herein lies the problem with Hedda Gabler: The play was written at roughly the same time that Freud was just beginning to publish his theories. The question is "who influenced whom?" Obviously Freud was taken with Ibsen's realizations of certain fundamental ideas which were to be the foundation of his (Freud's) work: repression, neurosis, paranoia, Oedipal complex, phallic symbols, and so on; all of these factors are present in Hedda Gabler. The question remains, however, whether Ibsen had caught wind of Freud's work and decided to utilize it in the play. Perhaps I am wrong, but having read A Doll's House and An Enemy of the People, both earlier works by some ten years, Hedda Gabler seems to embody Freudian concepts to so much farther an extent that the possibility of a conscious effort to create Freudian neurotic types and set them loose on one another does not seem altogether outside the realm of possibility. Whether consciously or unconsciously, however, Ibsen has created extremely well-developed characters.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

computer basics :: essays research papers

Computers can be intimidating. Educating oneself about some of the basics of computers can lessen this intimidation. In addition, a computer user will be able to get the results that he or she is hoping for. Input devices, output devices, storage, and computer speed are a few areas that will be discussed further. In order to maintain accurate records or create precise results, data input should be done with the best possible input device. I will give examples of a few situations and explain which input device would work best. Printed Questionnaires- For this situation, I believe the most widely used input device, which is the keyboard, would work best. Questionnaires are made up of primarily letters and numbers that are easily found on a keyboard. Most people are familiar with a keyboard and creating a questionnaire should not be difficult. Telephone Survey- In this situation a touch input device may be a better choice, such as a touch screen. This way, the interviewee does not have to wait for the interviewer to finish typing. The touch screen would work best if there were multiple choice answers to the telephone survey. Bank Checks- The MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) is used by the banking industry. This device can scan checks quickly and ensures that checks are sent to the proper bank. Retail Tags- Most stores now use a bar-code scanner for pricing. The bar code scanner recognizes a series of bars of different lengths and sends that code to the computer. Even small retail stores may have a handheld bar code scanner to make pricing and checkout more efficient. Long Documents- Though I have never used this device, a voice input device would make long documents much easier. This requires special software and may require using the keyboard for editing. Because keyboards can cause injury, an individual that has to prepare many long documents may want to consider a voice input device. Just as accuracy and choosing the correct device for input is important, the same applies to output. Choosing the correct device can increase quality and convenience. In the following situations, I will share which output device I feel would work best: Hand held Computer- If an individual has a hand held computer; it is likely they are looking for mobility. Wireless data transfer would be ideal for this situation. Color Photograph- A photo quality printer should be used for color photographs. Some desktop printers will work, but often times the color will fade over time.

California Love :: Economics Culture Cultural Essays

California Love Do you have any interest in politics? Could you lay your hands on $3,500? Would you be able to attain 65 signatures from registered voters? If you answered yes to these three questions, then congratulations, you are qualified to enter the race to run the fifth largest economic empire in the world. All the more power to you my friend. If you are not already aware, my home state of California is undergoing civic pandemonium disguised in political rhetoric as a â€Å"recall.† We are witnessing one of the biggest travesties in the modern era and poor Gray Davis is clearly the victim. Given the circumstances when he took office, Davis has done a pretty damn good job with the mess he inherited from former Governor Pete Wilson. Davis is surrounded by malevolent bureaucrats on a day-to-day basis, as is true for most politicians, and when one has to work with these bad guys, bad things tend to happen. Why is this? California is dealing with the fallout from an inefficient federal government that left its western daughter to flounder in the wake of a crisis the feds very likely created. When Wilson pushed for de-regulation of energy distribution (electricity/gas), outside suppliers, primarily Texas ringleaders like Enron, were allowed to run wholesale pricing up unchecked. Pacific Gas and Electric then filed for ban kruptcy, Southern California Edison was similarly affected. Now layer on surplus spending from tax coffers and the inability of legislators to rein in spending after the collapse of the industries due to their greed or bury-the-head-in-the-sand mentality. Now you have a reversal of a record surplus to a record deficit of some 35+ billion dollars. Prime fodder for the Republicans. Whenever there is a great deal of power, you will find a great deal of attention, greed and controversy. In the political arena, parties will strive for stability and control to maintain their power. So, is this recall really a street-smart reaction by Republicans, or is there a connection between California's recent foibles and a Republican conspiracy to regain stability and control? My congratulations go out to Mr. Bush for once. Perhaps he actually does know what he's doing. Perhaps he can push his personal agenda and look totally innocent. Knowing how much California would suffer financially, he couldn't have had any connection to the demise of Enron and WorldCom, could he? No ... certainly he didn't plan this crisis to rid California of its apparent cause, Gray Davis, did he?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Explain How the Procedures of the Work Setting Protect

Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors.The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount. If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child be comes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. Associated essay: Procedures For Infection ControlAn example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors. The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount.If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the po licies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to s the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors. The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount.If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicin e. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors.The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount. If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Religion Is More Effective Social Control Mechanism Essay

In the discussion of this work, I have divided it into three main segment . The first parts would consider the introduction which would talk about the concept of religion and that of social control. In the same section I would also consider the position of Ross as stating that religion is a more social control mechanism that enacted laws of society. The second and third part would look at how these religious elements would or can inform crime prevention and last the conclusion respectively. By definition religion has been defined by many scholars in various ways according to their perspectives but all seems to be pointing at one being which the belief in the supernatural. For the purpose of this work, I would go for the definition according to J. B Pratt (1920; p. 2). According to J B Pratt, religion is â€Å"the serious and social attitude of individuals and communities towards the power or powers which they conceive of as having ultimate control over their interest, and destinies†. This definition was captured by Max Assimeng In his book â€Å"Religion and Social Change in Ghana: introduction to the study of religion†. Based on this and many of the definition on religion, I agree with Ross that religion is a more effective social control mechanism that enacted laws for society. What is social control one may ask? Social control in its broader sense is the system of maintaining law and order in society and ensuring that members of society conform to the accepted ways of behavior. (Nukunya, 1992:81). This definition of religion and social control takes us to the basic argument of Ross for postulating that religion is a more effective social control mechanism that enacted laws for society is found in the macro theory of social control as suggested by Abotchie (2012). In this theory Ross argued that instead of thinking that social control mechanism could be found in some conventional laws constructed by some individuals or groups, one should think of it as embedded in the belief systems which is grounded in religion. For him, a person’s behavior is determine by the fact that he fears the wrath of the supernatural and this make him to conform to the laws of society. This belief can be supported by a verse in the Christian bible that states that â€Å"behold I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give every according to his work shall be† (Rev. 22:12). As an institution, the marriage institution was and still can be lively bringing in elements such as the traditional social control mechanism. This is because they believe in these mechanisms such as the concept of psychic padlock and gbolomagba for instance was and can still be useful combating crimes such as infidelity and adultery as postulated by Abotchie. Thus, this belief is the believe vested in the gods and the people trusted in their powers and so send their cases to them for a verdict to be given where the offenders may be dealt with severely if found guilty. Again religion serves as social control mechanism that enacted laws for the people in a sense and thereby preventing crimes in Ghana as it is believe that the offences committed strikes at the collective conscience of the community represented by the ancestors. Thus people would not do certain things such as destroying a clan’s totem. This action would inform crime prevention in that it would prevent people from poaching in the Ghanaian society. Among some communities in Ghana however the people believe that committing suicide is an act of abomination which is punishable the ancestors. Also people see this suicide as associated by evil spirit and that a family with such records for instance would be refuse marriages from other families. This instance may instill into the people a sense of refraining from committing such acts. In Ross supposition, the political system of the country is also influenced by religion as a control mechanism. For instance, before a person is elected into office, the Holy Bible or the Holy Quran IS given to the person to swear with. This is done because it is believe that the taking of the oath would compel the person to conform to the rules and regulations since the infringement of the laws would bring about inner sanctions between the individual and the supernatural. As a means of informing crime prevention in Ghana, religion provides a sense of community where people find security and safety. This has to a large extent brought some prevention since the desperate and the dejected could find belongingness within these bodies and would allow them to refrain from acts which otherwise would have been unlawful in our society. Thus for Ross religion gives assurance as it is stated in the bible â€Å"seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you† (math 6:33).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dangers of Childhood Immunizations Essay

Evidence Supporting Thesis â€Å"In order to understand the ‘safety’ of vaccines, you have to know several things, including how a baby’s immune system works from birth onwards, and what vaccines do biochemically in the body. That work has never been done.† Found in the book Just a Little Prick by Hilary Butler No one medical treatment will work the same way on every person it is used on, so why would we expect for generalized vaccines to work the same way in every child? It is merely impossible to know how your child’s immune system will respond to vaccines, but there are consequences set in place for parents like myself who do not believe in giving annual vaccines. For example: if your child’s vaccines are not up to date, then your child is not allowed to go to school, be involved in team sports, and a host of other activities. Main Points Studies have not been done to show how each individual vaccine affects the body in both positive and negative ways. Alternative measures should be available for those parents who are against vaccinating their children. More studies need to be conducted to see what role, if any, vaccinations play in the behavioral aspect of a child’s development. Studies have not been done to show how each individual vaccine affects the body in both positive and negative ways. What are the positive effects that vaccines have on a child’s body? Vaccines can help to prevent some of the serious complications that occur as a result of serious diseases. Vaccines help to ensure that if a child comes in contact with a disease, they will only develop a mild case of the disease versus a child never having the vaccine who develops a natural immunity to the disease which will in turn cause the non-vaccinated child to have very severe complications. Varicella Infection leads to Pneumonia if no vaccine has been given. Polio Infection leads to permanent paralysis if no vaccine has been given. Mumps Infection could lead to deafness and infertility in young boys if no vaccine has been given. Hib infection can lead to permanent brain damage if no vaccine has been given. Vaccinations help to build immunity to diseases that may be foreign strains of normal diseases. * *   What are the negative effects that vaccines have on a child’s body? Because there have not been any studies on the exact biochemical effect that vaccines have on a child’s body, there is not much supporting evidence to why vaccines are negative. However, there are some studies that suggest that vaccines may be closely tied to various behavior problems such as adhd, add, and the ever controversial autism. It has been proven that vaccines cause mild side effects such as swelling, fever, flu-like symptoms, and in more severe cases: seizures. Alternative measures should be available to parents who are opposed to vaccinating their children. The bottom line School age children are required to have up-to-date vaccinations before being allowed to attend school. There aren’t any alternative options for parents who do not believe in vaccinating their children Children are not allowed to attend school. Children are not allowed to participate in group activities such as team sports, and clubs. Are we really harming our children by vaccinating them? Studies have not been done to show how each individual vaccine affects the body in both positive and negative ways. Alternative measures should be available for those parents who are against vaccinating their children. * 3.More studies need to be conducted to see what role, if any, vaccinations play in the behavioral aspect of a child’s development.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of Land Use Change

SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF LAND USE CHANGE: THE CASE OF CALAMBA CITY, LAGUNA A Research Proposal I. INTRODUCTION A. Significance of the Study Land and its uses are essential to all human communities. Every person is shaped in a range of ways by the landscape in which they live, and the products and resources produced on the land. Land and its uses are particularly important for rural communities, where many people are directly dependent on land for their livelihood, and the way land is used has a central role in defining the identity of an area and its community.Land as defined by FAO (1976) is â€Å"an area of earth’s surface, the characteristics which embrace all reasonably stable or predictably cyclic attributes of the biosphere vertically above and below this area, including those of the atmosphere, the soil, the underlying geology, the hydrology, the plant and animal population and the results of the past and present human activity, to the extent that th ese attributes influence on the present and future use of the land†.Land is an important element on earth that is involved in every human activity. This refers to land use. Land use defined in this way establishes a direct link between land cover and the actions of people in their environment (Di Gregorio & Jansen, 1998). In restrictive terms, it refers to those activities of man on, in, over and under the earth’s surface that tend to change the natural state of the land (Serote, 2004). Land use change is a general term for the human modification of Earth's terrestrial surface.Though humans have been modifying land to obtain food and other essentials for thousands of years, current rates, extents and intensities of land use change are far greater than ever in history, driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at local, regional and global scales. These changes encompass the greatest environmental concerns of human populations today, includi ng  climate change,  biodiversity  loss and the pollution of water, soils and air (Williams et al. , 2008).Land use change can either be by natural cause or man induced. Land use changes made in land imply impact both on human and environment. In socioeconomic terms, land is one of three major factors of production in classical economics (along with labor and capital) and an essential input for housing and food production. Thus, land use is the backbone of agricultural economies and it provides substantial economic and social benefits. Land use conversion is necessary and essential for economic development and social progress.This land use conversion results to land use change. Environmentally speaking, land–use changes are arguably the most pervasive socioeconomic force driving changes and degradation of ecosystems. Deforestation, urban development, agriculture, and other human activities have substantially altered the Earth’s landscape. Such disturbance of the land affects important ecosystem processes and services, which can have wide–ranging and long–term consequences.There are already studies that have been conducted to determine the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of land use changes in their own respective localities or area of interest. It has been one of the major issues today. According to Sala et al. , (2000) land-use changes are so pervasive that, when aggregated globally, they significantly affect key aspects of Earth System functioning. They directly impact biotic diversity worldwide contribute to local and regional climate change (Chase et al. , 1999) as well as to global climate warming (Houghton et al. 1999); are the primary source of soil degradation (Tolba et al. , 1992); and, by altering ecosystem services, affect the ability of biological systems to support human needs (as cited by Lambin et al. , 2001). Calamba, as a fast growing city in Laguna had made different land use changes in its locality. Land use changes here occur due to different conversion of agricultural based lands into industrial and commercial uses. Different natural phenomenon like flooding contributed also it the changes in land in Calamba. With this development, there are many impacts that took place.In this study, it would primarily focus on the impacts of land-use change in ten different barangays of Calamba City, Laguna. Identifying the impacts of land-use change would help the local government unit to make necessary actions to either improve positive or prevent negative impacts in the said locality. Proper policy actions can be developed, too. The results of the study will provide information to researchers, planners and decision makers for better comprehensive land use planning. B. Review of Literature This section has literature related to the research study.Different books, journal articles reports were investigated to conceptualize and explore knowledge gap in the study of land use change at the lo cal context Land-use and land-cover change induced by both human activities and natural feedbacks have converted large proportion of the planet’s land surface (Shi, 2008). Land Use and Land Use Change Every parcel of land on the Earth’s surface is unique in the cover it possesses. Land use and land cover are distinct yet closely linked characteristics of the Earth’s surface. Land use is the manner in which human beings employ the land and its resources.Examples of land use include agriculture, urban development, grazing, logging, and mining. In contrast, land cover describes the physical state of the land surface. Land cover categories include cropland, forests, wetlands, pasture, roads, and urban areas. The term land cover originally referred to the kind and state of vegetation, such as forest or grass cover, but it has broadened in subsequent usage to include human structures such as buildings or pavement and other aspects of the natural environment, such as s oil type, biodiversity, and surface and groundwater (Meyer, 1995).Land use affects land cover and changes in land cover affect land use. A change in either, however, is not necessarily the product of the other. Changes in land cover by land use do not necessarily imply a degradation of the land. However, many shifting land use patterns, driven by a variety of social causes, result in land cover changes that affect biodiversity, water and radiation budgets, trace gas emissions and other processes that, cumulatively, affect global climate and biosphere (Riebsame, Meyer, & Turner, 1994).Land cover can be altered by forces other than anthropogenic. Natural events such as weather, flooding, fire, climate fluctuations, and ecosystem dynamics may also initiate modifications upon land cover. Globally, land cover today is altered principally by direct human use: by agriculture and livestock raising, forest harvesting and management, and urban and suburban construction and development. There are also incidental impacts on land cover from other human activities such as forests and lakes damaged by acid rain from fossil fuel combustion (Meyer, 1995).Changes in land cover driven by land use can be categorized into two types: modification and conversion. Modification is a change of condition within a cover type; for example, unmanaged forest modified to a forest managed by selective cutting. Significant modifications of land cover can occur within these patterns of land cover change. Conversion is a change from one cover type to another, such as deforestation to create cropland or pasture.Conversion land cover changes such as deforestation have been the focus of many global change research agendas (Riebsame, Meyer and Turner, 1994). Serote in 2004 stated that conversion of land on the other hand can be classified into irreversible and reversible conversion. It is reversible if the soil cover and landforms are not substantially changed and therefore present a variety of opti ons for future reuse (for example croplands can be converted to pastures and reverted to croplands again as the need arises).Irreversible conversion occurs when the original character of the land is changed to such a degree that the reversal to its former use or condition becomes very difficult if not impossible. Example of this is open pit mining and quarrying. The loss of rainforests throughout the tropical regions of the world as a result of deforestation for timber resources and conversion to agricultural lands has become a topic of global attention with the aid of widespread media coverage. Research specialists such as Skole and Tucker (1993), Skole et al. (1994), and Kummer and Turner (1994) perform extensive studies in an attempt to bring further attention to this situation by focusing on the social implications and the environmental degradation associated with tropical deforestation in the Amazon of South America and in Southeast Asia. Yet, with all the research, awareness, and attention of the world, this potentially devastating phenomenon continues. Modeling land use change In a research study made by Lim, Pijanowski and Engel in 2005, they employed a land use model called Land Transformation Model (LTM).The LTM model is designed to forecast land use change over large regions. It relies on GIS, artificial neural network routines (ANNs), remote sensing and customized geospatial tools. The driving variables include a variety of social, political and environmental factors, such as distance to transportation, proximity to amenities (such as rivers, lakes, and recreational site), density of surrounding agriculture, exclusive zones, and population growth. Information derived from an historical analysis of land use change is used to conduct forecast studies.The model is a desk top computer application, and it mainly follows four sequential steps: (1) processing/coding of data to create spatial layers of predictor variables; (2) applying spatial rules that r elate predictor variables to land use transitions for each location in an area; the resultant layers contain input variables values in grid format; (3) integrating all input grids using one of the three techniques, including multi-criteria evaluation, ANNs, and logistic regression; and (4) temporally scaling the amount of transitions in the study area in order to create a time series of possible future land uses.Detailed descriptions of the LTM can be found elsewhere (Pijanowski et al. , 2000) The LTM model has been applied and validated in a variety of locations around the world to help understand what factors are most important to land use changes and to simulate land use change in the past, present and future (Pijanowski et al. , 2000). It also offers the ability to link changes in land use to ecological process models, such as groundwater flow and solute transport (Boutt et al. , 2001) and forest cover change (Brown et al. , 2000). Urbanization and Land Use ChangeAt least two br oad urbanization pathways lead to different impacts on rural landscapes. In the developed world, large-scale urban agglomerations and extended peri-urban settlements fragment the landscapes of such large areas that various ecosystem processes are threatened. Ecosystem fragmentation, however, in peri-urban areas may be offset by urban-led demands for conservation and recreational land uses (Sack, 1992). Urbanization affects land change elsewhere through the transformation of urban-rural linkages. Urbanization in the less-developed world outbids all other uses for land adjacent to the city, including prime croplands.Cities attract a significant proportion of the rural population by way of permanent and circulatory migration, and the wages earned in the city are often remitted by migrants to rural homelands, in some cases transforming the use of croplands and creating ‘‘remittance landscapes’’. Perhaps most importantly, this urbanization changes ways of life u ltimately E. F. Lambin et al. , (2001) associated with demographic transitions, increasing expectations about consumption, and potentially a weakened understanding of production–consumption relationships noted for the well-developed world.Rapid land-use changes often coincide with the incorporation of a region into an expanding world economy (Lambin, et al. , 2001). Remote Sensing In the broadest sense, remote sensing is the measurement or acquisition of information of an object or phenomenon, by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object. It is the utilization at a distance (as from aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, or ship) of any device for gathering information about the environment. The technique can make use of devices such as a camera, laser, radar, sonar, seismograph or a gravimeter.Modern remote sensing normally includes digital processes but can be done as well with non-digital methods. While all astronomy could be considered remot e sensing (in fact, extremely remote sensing) the term â€Å"remote sensing† is normally only applied to terrestrial observations. Examples of remote sensing are very numerous. For example: a. Topographic maps were often produced from stereographic pairs of aerial photographs. Trained personnel would then trace the shape of the land into maps. b.Earthquakes are located (after the fact) by comparing seismograms taken at different locations; the relative intensity and precise timing yield information about the location and nature. c. Digital elevation maps can be produced by interferometric synthetic aperture radar, a process in which an aircraft, spacecraft or satellite passes over the target area while emitting a series of radar pulses. Combining the data from these pulses yields a detailed map containing information about ground cover and possibly elevation or movement on a scale of centimeters.The data usually covers a many kilometers wide (Gupta & Parakash 1998). Profile o f the City Calamba City is a first class city in the province of Laguna, Philippines. Situated only 54 kilometers south of Manila, about an hour by chartered bus, Calamba City is a popular tourist destination with its hot spring resorts. It also an important modern industrial center in CALABARZON region as shown by the larger number of industrial parks and business estates that are located in the city. According to 2006 census, it has a population of 360,281 inhabitants. CLUP, 2010-2015) It is reported that this city is among the fastest growing urban centers in the Region. Calamba city is famous for its historical tribute as the hometown of our national hero. According to the NAMRIA in 1999, residential sector takes up 48% of the total land area, while 44% is allotted for Industrial use. The commercial sector only consumes 3% of the total land area – the other 5% consist of other land uses. C. Objectives of the Study The general objective of this study is to determine the so cio-economic and environmental impacts of land-use conversion at the local level.Specifically, this study endeavors; 1) To map out the current land use situation of Calamba City using GIS (to see the historical land use situation of the said locality); 2) To identify both the positive and negative impacts of land-use conversion in six barangays of Calamba City; 3) To identify causes of land-use conversions and land use change; 4) To assess the existing policy and mitigation strategies to the impacts of land use conversion; and 5) To propose recommendations on comprehensive land use planning of Calamba City.D. Date and Place of Study The survey and other data gathering method (Key informant interviews and focus group discussion) will be conducted from June, 2012 to August, 2012 in selected barangays in Calamba City. Analysis and interpretation of data will be done from September, 2012 to November 2012. The researcher aims to finish the study by January, 2013. II. MATERIALS AND METHOD OLOGY A. Materials Secondary Maps of 1:50,000 scale (Topographic, Land Use/Land Cover, Political boundary) †¢ Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of Calamba City †¢ Satellite Imagery (30 meters resolution Terralook ASTER image) †¢ Geographic Information System (GIS) Software (ArcInfo Desktop) †¢ Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver †¢ Semi-structured questionnaires B. Methodology Secondary data collection Secondary data will be gathered primarily from the City of Calamba, Laguna to serve as baseline information for the study area.These shall include the CLUP report of Calamba City, secondary baseline maps in digital and print format (Topographic, Land Use/Land Cover, Political boundary). Other pertinent information (demographic, economic) shall be likewise collected and consolidated from other government agencies (National Statistics Coordination Board, Department of Interior and Local Government etc. ). Primary data collection The freely downloadable 30 meters resolution satellite imagery will be requested from United State Geological Society (USGS) website (http://glovis. usgs. gov). This shall be utilized in the generation of p-to-date land use map of the study area. ArcInfo Desktop GIS software shall be utilized in the generation of the baseline maps, spatial analyses and land use classification. All GIS maps shall have Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North Zone 51 format projection and WGS1984 datum. Unsupervised image classification. An unsupervised image classification will be done for aster satellite imagery. This image classification will serve as the basis for the supervised classification. These classifications will be validated thru ground truthing and high-resolution satellite imagery of google earth.Supervised classification. The training units or signatures of the different land uses will be prepared in ArcInfo Desktop by digitizing at least 100 polygons for each land uses. Supervised image classification will pro ceed using maximum likelihood method for the final landuse maps. Household survey, Key Informant Interview and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Key Informant Interview (KII) will be conducted to selected LGU officials of the City of Calamba with emphasis on the issues and concerns related to land use, as well as the perceived socio-economic impacts of land use in their locality.Similarly, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) will be done to gather relevant information base on the consensus of randomly selected barangay officials and residents of the City of Calamba. A random household survey will also be conducted using semi-structured questionnaire to gather basic household demographic information, as well as knowledge and perception on the socio-economic impacts of land use change. III. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS |Particulars |Estimated Cost |Remarks | |I.Data Gathering | |   | |A. Travel |Php 9,000. 00 |Includes ground truthing and validation | |B. Supplies and Materials |4,000. 00 |   | |C. Sundries | |   | |1.Contractual services (field guide, enumerators) |12,000. 00 |Hiring of field guides and enumerator | |2. Photocopying |1,000. 00 |   | |II. Writing of Thesis | |   | |A. Computerization/Typing |4,000. 00 |   | |III.Reproduction/Printing |6,000. 00 |   | |TOTAL |Php36,000. 00 |   | REFERENCES Food and Agiculture Organization. 1976. Land quality indicators: aspects of land use, land, soil and plant nutrients. Rome, Italy (Retrieved from http://www. fao. org/docrep/W4745E/w4745e0b. htm) Gupta, R. P. , & Prakash, A. 998, Reflection aureoles associated with thermal anomalies due to subsurface mine fires in the Jharia Coalfield, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 2619-2622. Lambin, E. F. , Turner II, B. L. , Geist, H. J. , Agbola, S. B. , Angelsen, A. , Bruce, J. W. , et al. , 2001. The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths. Global Environmental Change 11 (4), 261–269. Meyer, W. B. 1995. Past and Present Land-use and Land-cover in the U. S. A. (Retrieved from http://www. gsdi. rg/gsdiconf/gsdi10/papers/TS48. 1paper. pdf) Serote, E. M. 2004. Property, patrimony, and territory: Foundations of Land Use planning in the Philippines. School of Urban and Regional Planning, DIliman Quezon City. Shi, W. Z. 2008. Spatial Data Transformation in Urban Geographic Information Systems,  Technologies and Applications in Urban Geographical Information Systems. Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, 1996, pp. 59-69. Skole,D. L. & Tucker, C. J. 1993. :Tropical deforestation and habitat fragmentation in the Amazon. Retrieved from http://www. ciesin. org/docs/002-115/002-115. html) Turner, B. L. & Meyer, W. B. 1991. Land use and land cover in global environmental change: Considerations for study. International Social Sciences Journal 130, 669–667 Williams, M. Richardson, D. , Reichstein, M. , Stoy, P. C. , Peylin, P. , et al. ,2008. Improving land surface models with Fluxnet data. Published in Biogeosciences. (Retrieved from http://www. geos. ed. ac. uk/homes/pstoy/WilliamsBG09. pdf) ———————– C. Detailed Schedule of Activities